Title: Car Craft S Class Android Screen Compatible with Mercedes S Class Android Screen Android Player S Class W221 2006-2014
Brand: Car Craft
Color: Black
Details: S Class W221 2005 - 2013 WITH ORIGINAL TV AND AUX FUNCTION! Supports original radio functions, steering wheel control, all vehicle displays and settings etc Install in less than 30 minutes (only 1 screen and connection cables), no external box or complicated measures Android With Octa-core 2.0ghz Cpu, 4g Ram And 64gb Flash + Wifi Integrated: For Direct Connection With Wi-fi, Smartphone Hotspots,carplay Android Auto Intuitive 3D user-friendly interface in different languages
Item Condition: New
PartNumber: 123456789 W221
Model: S Class W221
Weigt: 1.00